It’s All God’s Money

A few months ago my wife and I started attending a new Bible study. It’s amazing how God led us here and what a blessing and help it has been in our life. We have met some amazing people and that is exactly what we needed at this time in our life. God knows exactly what we need. One of the couples we met are going to be missionaries in Jamaica as house parents in an orphanage. They’ve been such a help to us in this new world of missionary life and helped us figure out things we didn’t know much about. It’s also been amazing to watch them trust God. 

The other day we were leaving our Bible study and just chit chatting about where we are at in our journey and where they are at in their journey. Out of the blue Dave said, ”Send us your information because we want to support you.” That caused one of those “taken back” reactions as my wife and I looked at each other and then we looked at Dave questioning if we just heard what we heard. I then said, “What do you mean you’re going to support us.. you’re trying to get support yourself?!” He then said with shrugged shoulders, “It’s all God's money.” He then went on, “Whether God gives it to a person or a church to give to you or if He gives it to someone to give to us to give to you, it’s all God's money.” He’s taking care of us and we would love for Him to use us to help take care of you. That was very encouraging as I’ve been calling around to book meetings. 

Within the last two weeks I’ve talked to three churches that have unfortunately said, “Oh man, you just missed us, we just voted to take on seven new missionaries.” It feels like I’m a day late and a dollar short recently. I’ve asked myself and even several missionaries that have raised their support super fast, “What’s the secret?” Instead of giving me some unknown advice I’ve never heard of or secret tricks of the trade they all reply, ”I really can’t explain it; it’s all God.”  This is so true.

 Just yesterday I called a church and instead of turning me away because they were full or not taking on anymore missionaries, he said, “We do missionaries a little differently around here.” Naturally,  I’m sitting there thinking “Okay, here we go with some run around.” He then went on to say I’ll talk to our Missions Pastor because I think we have money in the budget to just go ahead and support you now. I asked if he would like us to come and present our ministry and he told me, “No need to do that; we’ll just support you. I know you well enough...” and then he went on to talk about what a great amazing person I am and how churches should line up to support me. Ha ha. He said the church decided a long time ago that the world needs to hear about Jesus and they want to find the quickest way to get people there to tell them. I’m finding out there really is no right or wrong way of how God uses us to reach the world. It looks different in every church and every ministry. At the end of the day God asked us to go to Portugal and serve Him and He will be the One to provide. As Dave said, “It’s all God's money.”


May - July / 2022 Update


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